Except for the costs of this site all donations directly go to the projects we support.
DaLimit has three board members:
Chairman: Marcel Schreiner
Secretary: Jeroen Huizer
Treasurer: Remko Vochteloo
We visit the projects we support regularly and only work together with other NGOs if they have less than 8% overhead.
Our vision is that the foundation of education is to create independence. This creates a sustainable society.
We think transparency is important. Therefore, all financial reports will be accessible to everyone.
Our concept is based on sharing. Sharing knowledge and money in order to give children in less developed countries the chance to live an autonomous and independent life.
The vision of DaLimit is based on sharing of wealth and knowledge in countries where it is less accessible. Basic education should be focused on creating independence in order to create a more sustainable society. DaLimit is not bound by any form of religion, but only by faith to share what we can. None of our board members receive some form of financial benefit or reimbursement of expenses. Besides the cost of the domain and website (10 USD per month) all our donations go to our projects for which the financial reports are available to anyone who has made a donation. We regularly visit the projects and work only together with other NGOs with less than 8% overhead. Getting the best out of each donation is our mission.
We support projects that offer education that fits our vision.
Our vision is that the foundation of education is to create independence. This creates a sustainable society.
We possess a lot of knowledge which we must share with children who do not naturally have access to this information and knowledge.
We believe that children and young adults should be well prepared for the job market and entrepreneurship.
In the future, we want to buy ‘fair’ products. Products which are not made by children and the profits will go to our supported projects.